Operating System Deployment

Install the new device 100% ready with the operating system, software, and patches in place.

Full automation

Miradore Management Suite automatically installs all company, location, role, device, and user-specific software and settings to your new device based on the users’ profiles. You can also restore all user files to the correct location in order to get the device 100% ready for delivering to the user.


Less service desk tickets

The automated installation process doesn’t make mistakes or forget actions ensuring the high quality of your IT operations. With all apps and settings automatically in place, the user can start to use the new device without troubleshooting or the need for assistance.

Cost savings

A high level of top quality automation ensures the cost efficiency of your IT operations. Management Suite allows you to scale your OS deployment operations to any number of devices.

Key Features

Bare-metal installation

With bare-metal installation, a system is automatically formatted, an operating system is installed and configured, and all required software and settings are automatically installed according to the users’ profile. There’s no need to maintain static images anymore. The bare-metal installation can be deployed to either new devices or to devices requiring an OS refresh.

Install software and configurations

You may assign software and settings to teams, locations, device roles, device models, and types, as well as to the user. This is part of the Miradore user profiling and ensures all the right software and settings are always automatically installed.

Driver detection

The required drivers are detected and installed automatically during the bare-metal installation. You may override default drivers and assign custom drivers in order to ensure the installation of the desired drivers.

Secure your devices

To secure the device, you can have Management Suite automatically create the recovery partition, enable disk encryption, and get antivirus and firewall software installed and configured properly.

Discover more

Looking for a cloud-based MDM solution?

In addition to Miradore Management Suite, we provide a flexible cloud-based MDM solution Miradore that makes it easy to securely manage the diverse mix of Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows devices in your organization.